Relax, Relief, Restore throughout all “4 terms”
Pre-natal massage is a specialised modality for pregnant women to support, nurture and alleviate stress, tension and pain as result from your changing body and posture, or simply to relax and re-energise.
An effective and safe approach that nurtures you and your baby, and drug-free, natural alternative to pain relief to address pregnancy discomforts.
How does pre-natal massage help you?
Relaxing pre-natal massage
Ideal for relieving stress, reducing muscle tension and soreness, to rejuvenate, and increasing overall health.
Relaxing long gliding strokes, gentle kneading and nurturing rocking in a rhythmic manner are applied to calm the whole body promoting deep relaxation.
Stress, Mood and good night Sleep
More over, it reduce stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol, as well as the increase relaxation hormones levels such as serotonin and dopamine. Which positively influence your hormone levels, improving an even mood and enhance sleep.
Pre-natal massage encourages blood and lymph flow, supporting the return of blood to the heart and increasing blood flow to the uterus and placenta. With 50% more blood production during pregnancy the promotion of circulation is very important.
Remedial massage pre-natal massage
In the 2nd and 3rd trimester remedial techniques can also alleviate a range of symptoms or target specific muscular complaints for moms-to-be.
Muscle tightness and (Nerve) Pain
Massage therapy can help reduce lower back, hip, pelvic or neck and shoulder pain, and relief calve cramps caused due to your changing posture and growing baby. It also increases the tone and flexibility of muscles to make it easier for your body to carry the additional weight.
Furthermore, it helps maintain proper posture and cope with the changes in your body’s alignment.
Nerve pain like sciatic pain or piriformis syndrome is a common problem in pregnancy because of the enlarged uterus that strains and exerts pressure on the lower back and pelvic floor muscles, leading to muscle impingements that cause sharp pain and discomfort. Massage therapy helps by releasing the soft tissue the area and freeing up the pinched nerve by targeting the tight muscles.
Edema is common during the later stages of pregnancy, caused by reduced circulation, increased blood volume, and pressure exerted by the uterus on major blood vessels. Massage therapy can reduce swelling and edema as it improves cardiovascular function and stimulates the lymphatic system, making it easier for the body to return blood to the heart, remove waste products and disperse fluids.
Not just for you
Getting a treatment is not only beneficial for you and your changing body, but also promotes your baby’s health!
By lower stress and anxiety levels and encouraging blood and lymph flow to deliver the right amount of oxygen and nutrients to your baby, it’s growth and development is positively supported.
Besides that, it is a wonderful way to connect with your baby and treasure the moment.
Conditions that could benefit from pre-natal massage:
- Lower stress and anxiety levels
- Improve sleep patterns,
- Improve blood circulation
- Decrease, neck, shoulder, back and hip pain
- Relieve tired, aching legs and feet, and leg cramps
- Alleviate Pubic and Pelvic Girdle Pain
- Release Nerve pain (by muscle impingement): Thoracic outlet syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Piriformis syndrome, Sciatic pain
- Reduction of edema or swelling hands, feet, legs, etc.
- Support with fatigue and relaxation
- Promote relaxation, mental wellness
Post Natal (Within 12 weeks of giving birth)
Post Natal massage has all the same benefits of general massage bringing both physical and emotional relief. It specifically helps new moms recover and regain vitality more quickly after giving birth, or simply gives you a change to rest and recover.
If you’ve had a caesarean it’s advised to wait at least two weeks and get an all clear of your doctor.
Relaxing the body can help you process your birth experience or supports you with the new challenges of being a new mom that may stir up anxiety, stress and heighten your emotions. Just re-energizing and having some time to regroup does wonders for your healing process. It helps ease fatigue, support relaxation, and enhance your quality of sleep.
Post Natal massage can provide relief from residual aching and tense muscles from stretched and weakened muscles, especially in areas as lower back, upper back and shoulder and neck that hurt as a result of childbirth, and breastfeeding. Besides the pain relief it improves stability and posture and help get your strength back.
It restores the balance your hormones sooner, which can also improve your mood and help with mood swings. Including hormones linked to depression (dopamine and serotonin).
Like with pre-natal massage can help reducing swelling by stimulation of circulation and lymphatic’s so the body can effectively process excess fluids and toxins.
Finally, It helps with the recovery of the uterus, by applying an abdominal massage to support the natural cleansing process, of eliminating blood and other discharge post-delivery and aid in restoring its form pre pregnancy sooner. As well as having a positive effect on stretch marks and nourishing your skin due to the increase blood flow to the area.
How will we assist you?
Pregnancy is a very exciting and precious time. Your self care will be your top priority to stay fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy, and you deserve to be pampered!!
Making you the centre of our attention we customise the massage to your wishes and needs. The massage can either have a relaxation or remedial focus, depending on what you like and where you are in your pregnancy.
Your safety is most important and we will take time and care to listen to you and assess your situation. Making sure caution will be taken in how to treat and what to treat depending on the stage of the pregnancy or your medical history.
Our massage therapists are specifically trained in pregnancy massage to ensure safe massage, assisting you creating the best living environment for your baby to grow and develop, and preparing you for the arrival of your baby with a feeling of calm and preparedness for what’s to come.
Listen to your body and give it the attention it needs. Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible. Put yourself in good hands.